Wednesday 27 July 2011

Everyone is a social commentator...

...well everyone is a social commentator. We all have something to say about the state of our home, our community, our country and our world. It is possible that most of these ideas and beliefs remain constrained to our own minds and a chosen few are privy to them...but they still exist!

From one land we all emerged and separated ourselves by space, colours, languages, beliefs, looks, name it...we have used it to define ourselves against the other and bind ourselves to each other. It is as if we spun out of the centre of the same web, painting the lines as we travelled further and further away from each other. With each stroke we set our boundaries and defined who we are and moved further away from being united as one. But now it seems that some of us have had the opportunity to take a step back and the ability to appreciate the masterpiece that we have created, together.

So why not be a social commentator? Why not let others know what you are able to understand from your observation point of this masterpiece? Surely we could understand each other a lot better if everyone described their own segment of the web?

We are lucky today because we are privileged to have technology which layers us with another web (no pun intended) that allows us to cross the geographical and self imposed boundaries in order to gain more knowledge, in all of its forms, and to possibly understand each other better. It binds us together irrespective of our desires.

So what now? Well for me, I am looking forward to taking the opportunity to learn more about the world and to pass on what I encounter...